ESG – which stands for Environmental/Social/Governance – is a virus infecting the entire economy. Energy, agriculture, labor, healthcare, manufacturing, financial markets, higher education, and much more. At its core, ESG is a scheme by which the left manipulates the free enterprise system to advance policy goals it could not accomplish the correct way – by winning elections and passing laws.
ESG proponents turn capitalism on its head with the goal of furthering the most radical leftist agenda possible.
Rooting it out requires consistent vigilance.
E: Policies that promote the radical “green new deal” agenda, driven by misguided strategies to “combat climate change” and reduce carbon emissions through forcing financial investments away from safe, reliable, and affordable energy.
S: Directing companies’ business focus onto criteria that seeks to force adherence to radical social policies, at the expense of profitability, shareholder value, and common sense.
G: Targeting publicly traded companies by using stock ownership to control the boards of directors and direct corporate policy to embrace the left’s woke agenda.